~ "The Inscription of a New Audience: Marie de France's Espurgatoire Saint Patriz"
Bonnie H. Leonard, looks at the Prologue, the Epilogue, and those passages not found in the original Latin work, to show
Marie's appeal to her lay aristocratic audience.
~ "Rethinking Marie"
(2003) Dinah Hazell, questions the assumption that Marie lived in England and considers
what an alternative view would reveal about her self-descriptions and dedications.
~ "The French Woman Writer in the Middle Ages: Staying Up Late"
(1990) Tilde Sankovitch, presents the prologue to the lais as Marie's way of establishing her and her text's authority.
Sankovitch gives the original and her translation of all quotations.
~ "Narration and Representation of Women in the Lais of Marie de France and the Coutumes de Beauvaisis
of Philippe de Beaumanoir"
(2003) Jerry Root, looks at the lais in the light of what is revealed about the role of women in a French jurist's
1283 collection of customary law.
~ "Objects, Possession and Identity in the Lais of Marie de France"
(1994) Nancy Bradley Warren, shows how the lais' characters are described and what this reveals of their world.
~ "The Making of the Man: Woman as Consummator in the Lais of Marie
de France"
(2002) Judith Barban, looks at Marie's treatment of men and of women in five of the lais; Barban sees the women as contolling
forces in the movement of each tale.
~ "Woman-hating in Marie de France's 'Bisclavret'"
(2002) Paul Creamer provides a close reading of the lai and its treatment of the female character, and he finds
the poem differing from its companions in its misogyny.
~ "Adultery and Kingship in Marie de France's 'Equitan'"
(1999) Sharon Kinoshita, discusses not only the one lai, but also contemporary
views of marriage.
~ "Wholism and Fusion: Success in/of the Lais of Marie de France"