Marie de France

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This is a list* of books and articles on Marie de France.  Some articles are available through Ebsco and some books can be found at the Ward Chipman Library . 
Barban, Judith. "Lai ester: Acceptance of the Status Quo in the Fables of Marie de France." Romance Quarterly 49.1 (Winter 2002): 3-12.
[Available on EbscoHost]

Bloch, R. Howard. The Anonymous Marie de France. Chicago: U of Chicago P. 2003.

Bloch, Howard R. "The Lay and the Law: Sexual/Textual Transgression in La Chastelaine de Vergi, the Lai D'Ignaure, and the Lais of Marie de France." Stanford French Review 14 (1990): 181-210.

Bowers, John M. "Ordeals, privacy, and the lais of Marie de France." Journal of Medieval & Renaissance Studies 24.1 (Winter 94): 1-32.
[Available on EbscoHost]

Burgess, Glyn S. "The Fables of Marie de France: Some recent scholarship." French Studies 51.1 (Winter 97 Supplement): 8-14.
[Available on EbscoHost]

-----. The Lais of Marie de France: Text and Context. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press, 1987.
UNBF PQ1494 .L7 B87 1987 HIL-STACKS

-----. Marie de France: An Analytical Bibliography. Supplement No. 2, Research Bibliographies and Checklists 21.2. London: Grant & Cutler, 1997.

Clifford, Paula. Marie de France: Lais. London: Grant & Cutler, 1982.

Cowell, Andrew. "Deadly letters: `Deus amanz,' Marie's `Prologue' to the lais and the dangerous nature of the gloss." Romanic Review 88.3 (May 97): 337-364.
[Available on EbscoHost]

Donovan, Mortimer J. The Breton lay: a guide to varieties. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1969.

Finke, Laurie A., and Martin B. Shichtman. "Magical mistress tour: Patronage, intellectual property, and the dissemination of wealth ..." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society 25.2 (Winter 2000): 479-504.
[Available on EbscoHost]

Gertz, SunHee Kim. "Echoes and reflections of enigmatic beauty in Ovid and Marie de France." Speculum 73.2 (Apr 98): 372-397.
[Available on EbscoHost]

Hoepffner, Ernest. Les lais de Marie de France. Paris, Boivin & cie, 1935.
UNBF PQ1494 .L7 H6 1935 HIL-STACKS

Jambeck, Karen K. "The Fables of Marie de France: A Mirror of Princes." In Quest of Marie de France, d Twelfth-Century Poet. Ed. Chantal Maréchal. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1992. 59-106.

Jambeck, Karen K. "Reclaiming the Woman in the Book: Marie de France and the Fables." Women, the Book and the Worldly. Ed. Lesley Smith and Jane H. M. Taylor. Cambridge: Brewster, 1995. 119-37.

Kemp-Welch, Alice. Of six mediaeval women: to which is added A note on mediaeval gardens. 1913. Williamstown, Mass.: Corner House, 1972.

Le Cygne: Journal of the International Marie de France Society.

Le Mée, Katharine W. A metrical study of five lais of Marie de France. Gravenhage Noordeinde 41; New York: Mouton, 1978.

Maréchal, Chantal A. In Quest of Marie de France, A Twelfth-Century Poet. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1992.

-----. "Marie de France as Sapientia: Author Portraits in the Manuscripts of the Fables." Le Cygne 3 (April 1997): 45-58.

-----. "Marie de France Studies: Past, Present, Future." Envoi 8: 2 (Fall 1999).

-----. "The Reception and Transmission of the Works of Marie de France: 1774-1974."  Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 2004. 

McCash, June Hall. "The swan and the nightingale: Natural unity in a hostile world in The Lais of Marie de France." French Studies 49.4 (Oct 95): 385-397.
[Available on EbscoHost]

McClelland, Denise. Le vocabulaire des Lais de Marie de France. Ottawa: Editions de l'Universite d'Ottawa, 1977.

Mickel, Emanuel J. Marie de France. New York: Twayne, 1974.

Nelson, Jan A. "Abbreviated style and Les Lais de Marie de France." Romance Quarterly 39.2 (May 92): 131-146.
[Available on EbscoHost]

Rothschild, Judith Rice. Narrative technique in the Lais of Marie de France; themes and variations. Chapel Hill, U.N.C. Dept. of Romance Languages; distributed by International Scholarly Book Service, Portland, Ore. 1974.

Semple, Benjamin. "The male psyche and the female sacred body in Marie de France and Chistine de Pizan." Yale French Studies 86 (1995): 164-187.
[Available on EbscoHost]

Spiegel, Harriet. "The Male Animal in the Fables of Marie de France." Medieval Masculinites: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages. Ed. Clare A. Lees. Medieval Cultures, no. 7. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1994. 111-26.

Spiegel, Harriet. "The Woman's Voice in the Fables of Marie de France." In Quest of Marie de France, A Twelfth-Century Poet. Ed. Chantal Maréchal. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1992.


*A special thank you to the great folks in the Ward Chipman Library for their assistance with this list.

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